Sansum Point Dive Site

Chemainus & Ladysmith Diving> Octopus Point> Sansum Point

Sansum Point in Sansum Narrows is a very nice boat dive that can be accessed from either Maple Bay or Cowichan Bay.

This is an excellent current dive (drift) which we did by choosing a day of little water exchange and timing the direction of the drift so as to have the tidal flows directional change assist us.

Not having a live boat as we were alone, my dive partner and I set an anchor a little north of Sansum Point in a shallow bay where coincidentally, we could easily see the currents direction and strength by watching the kelp, and it's reaction to it.

This was not a particularly deep dive so we were able to have a fairly long swim and still have plenty of air to make the return trip.
On this day though, our timing was a little off so we did have to work a bit on the return swim.

It is pretty close to a North/South dive so if in doubt or you think you may be in trouble, a short swim west puts you on a rocky shore from where at the least, you can rest.

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The dive itself had less colour than we expected but was still a beautiful spot for a dive nonetheless.

Lots of fish and Invertebrate life abound here, like large Mussels and the odd Rock Scallop, there were also plenty of Anemones and Sea Urchins.
We also found several Octopus dens but only one was occupied and its resident was to shy to come out and say hi.

This is definitely an advanced level boat dive so make sure of the tides on the day you expect to attempt it.

As I mentioned my dive buddy and myself were alone to do this dive which is fine, but honestly the safest and best way to do this dive is to use a live boat so as to have a pick up, regardless of how well you plan.

Have fun and dive safe, cheers.

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